Kristy Ashton & Richard Jackson / Woodshed press trip March 2018
"The Woodshed was amazing, subtle against its environment but modern inside. I marvelled at the use of cross ply laminate in the build, perhaps a little too much and ended up looking like an obsessive! Kristy didn’t seem to notice as she looked longingly to the surrounding hills, still shrouded in snow and a lone tree on the ridge line. I saw it too and put away the bottle opener, resigned to a sunset hill walk before the Shiraz."
She saw a shot at the tree, and she had a dress in her camera bag!?
"She saw a shot at the tree, there was ‘golden light’ and she had a dress in her camera bag!?
The cottage lights below beckoned us back down the ridge. Eastside was such an oasis. The cottages felt really remote, but at the end of the valley, down the farm track was the main A702 road into Edinburgh... and Edinburgh beckoned. Less than 30 minutes later, we were in a multi storey car park negotiating the truck into a space designed for shiny clean city cars not a mud splattered Mitsubishi."